Поднеси барање за пристап до Е-банкарство – ОНЛАЈН

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Почитувани кредитокорисници, Отсега може да се изјасните за неприфаќање на “Понудата за поволни договорни услови при плаќање на кредити” преку електронската форма нашата веб страница на следниот линк: Исто така може да ги известите нашите референти телефонски или на info@fulm.com.mk најдоцна до 10 Април 2020 г. Доколку не се изјасните, ќе сметаме дека ја прифаќате понудата

FULM is part of the joint international effort to fight the Coronavirus

marija covid19 info, Events and promotions

FULM Savings House is part of the joint international effort to successfully tackle the newly emerging situation with the Coronavirus. In this regard, FULM gains knowledge and experience from credit unions from more than 100 countries to successfully deal with the Coronavirus (COVID-19). More information on the activities and measures related to the battle with Coronavirus undertaken by the World …

Announcement from NBRNM

marija Events and promotions

The national Bank informs the public that, as a regulatory and supervisory authority, it has been constantly contacting all financial institutions (banks, savings houses, exchange offices and money transfer providers). These institutions continue to operate and perform the key functions, as a service to the citizens and legal entities. For smooth performance of banking, currency exchange and other financial services, …

Appeal for reduced use of cash – NBRNM

marija Events and promotions

Dear citizens, As part of the measures and appeals for raising awareness and responsibility we all have in preventing and protecting health we inform you of the following:: Since cash is considered to be one of the common channels for spreading infection, in order to prevent contagious transmission, we again appeal to reduce the use of cash and increase the …


marija Events and promotions

The Macedonian Banking Association and all its members regularly follow the conclusions, measures and recommendations of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia to deal with the threat of COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus). Once again, we would like to inform the entire public that, even in the most recent circumstances, all our members – banks, savings houses, the Macedonian Clearing …